This series was introduced here and is meant to inform the reader about Volt in an easy to read and digest way.

Part 1 - Symbols

We will start the first post of this series in a light way talking about symbols and how the module based symbol lookup makes things easier for the coder. While there are other languages that also use a similar module & symbol as Volt, a comparison to C lets us illustrate why this is a system to like.

In this example we see that in order for the calling function be able to call the_function it needs to be pre-declared.

static int the_function();

int calling()
	return the_function() + 3;

int the_function(int arg)
	return calling() + 39;

But in Volt thanks to the module & symbol system Volt this is not neccassery since semantically all symboles are declared at the same time.

fn calling() i32
	return the_function() + 3;

fn the_function() i32
	return 39;

Previous Introduction.